Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Feel Stressed Out and Angry? Don’t Take it Out On Your Family

One problem that some families face is that husband gets stressed out at work and then he takes it out on his family. He gets hard time, let’s say from his boss, and then he comes home and gives hard time to his family members.

The question is where the family members should go now to relieve their stress? One simple thing to do is to leave your worries outside and don’t bring them with you inside your house.

Instead of giving hard time to his family, the man should try to forget everything and try to relax and feel happy. Look at your house as a place where you go to forget about worries. Leave your office-worries at work.

This life is filled with problems. Do your best and prevent yourself from giving hard time to your family members and others.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hello there,

My name is Shaan Malick and I wholeheartedly welcome you to my blog. Let me first tell you a little about myself and then I will tell you the purpose of this blog and why you should visit this blog and contribute frequently.

I was born and raised in Saudi Arabia. I have done my Bachelor in Commerce. However, I am not really interested much in Commerce. I am more into customer service side. I love helping people and have worked for different companies where I handled the queries of customers and tried hard to resolve all their problems.

Now…Let’s talk about this blog. This blog is about how a family can live happily. We will discuss what problems families face that can cause frustration, arguments, and fights and even at times couples end up getting divorced. I will not only discuss these problems, I will also provide solutions to problems to ensure that all families amicably resolve their problem and live happily.

This life is short. We should live in peace and share love with each other. There is so much hatred going on and people are killing each other for no reason. Hence, it is important that families live happily and show love and care for other family members and promote peace worldwide.

Islam promotes healthy family life, filled with love and harmony. Therefore, let’s discuss how families can resolve their problems and live happily.

Again, I welcome you to my blog and look forward to receiving your valuable contribution.

Sincere Regards,

Shaan Malick